Maida Vale Lodge operates under the auspices of Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London constituted in its current form in 2003, which itself is under the governance of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) founded in 1717.
Maida Vale Lodge is a very welcoming, vibrant, happy, and active lodge with a considerable diversity of members both in age and professions. We have a number of social events for the lodge members as a whole and more especially for those brethren who attend our Lodge of Instruction. Maida Vale Lodge is proud to be a proactive supporter of Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London charities in general together with our own Maida Vale Lodge specific charities in particular.
“Since having the privilege of joining Maida Vale Lodge I have thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie and support of all the Brethren of Maida Vale Lodge and have enjoyed my 5 years as a member of this very happy lodge whilst being encouraged but not pressured into taking progressive office.
I look forward to becoming a Master of this wonderful lodge in the fullness of time and relish the opportunity of supporting both Maida Vale in particular and Freemasonry in general.
I couldn’t wish to associate with a better bunch of guys and get a warm feeling from being a part of Maida Vale’s charitable contributions to good causes,”
– One of the Maida Vale Brothers-
If you wish to join Maida Vale as a new freemason or are already an existing freemason or would simply like to attend a meeting as a visitor just email our very friendly Lodge Secretary who would welcome the opportunity of liaising with you.
We invite you to explore this website to learn more about our lodge and freemasonry in general. if you need any further information, then please contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions, or steer you in the right direction
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Why join
Freemasonry is about sharing a common desire for charitable support and following a high moral code. It is a male-only society, focused on following the three core principles and improving oneself and others. Our society is open to men of any race, religion, political belief and status.
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How to join
One of the most common misconceptions about Freemasonry – and there are many of them – is that you have to be invited to join. There is absolutely no reason why you should not ask to join – in fact that is the correct procedure.
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Lodge Meeting Dates
The Maida Vale Lodge L2743 holds four regular annual lodge meetings at Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ in the late afternoons of the third Wednesday in March, third Wednesday in May, third Wednesday in September and first Monday in December each followed by a festive board, thereby combining a ceremony in a masonic temple with convivial dining thereafter, four times a year.
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