Maida Vale Lodge

About Maida Vale Lodge

About Maida Vale Lodge


Officer night Lodge of Instruction will be held on Wednesdays beginning three weeks prior to each meeting.

All meetings are held at Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ (which is between Holborn & Covent Garden Tube Stations).
We regularly get in excess of 30 members plus their guests attending our meetings in both the Temple and at the Festive Board.
Following each meeting, we enjoy a three course Festive Board dinner with wine at the Double Tree Hotel on Southampton Row.

Photos from our last Festive Board:


New Maida Vale Brothers

Maida Vale Lodge will have three new candidates to be initiated into freemasonry this year, aged between 26 and 35 years, together with three masons each ready to be made master masons.  All are to have their ceremonies within the next twelve months.


Member Age Profile

Brothers who are in active progressive offices range in age from 31 to 55 years.
Maida Vale Lodge has 48 active members.
25 to 40 years:   9
40 to 60 years: 12
over 60 years:  30



Maida Vale Lodge practices Logic Ritual.


Lodge of Instruction

Maida Vale regularly holds Lodge of Instruction centrally held at Freemasons’ Hall in a relaxed yet instructive environment to enable members should they so desire to understand the workings of freemasonry and practice the ritual for the benefit of Maida Vale Lodge and the improvement of our members.


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