Maida Vale Lodge



Who can become a member?

Whilst freemasonry is not a religion but a secular society of men who must be at least twenty-one years of age, it is based upon a number of common ideals and principles.

A freemason must be willing to accept that there is a Supreme Being, whom we call the Architect of the Universe and must also adhere to the core masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth whilst living a life within the bounds of a moral compass.

Should a man consider joining our Brotherhood, then he must be willing to adhere to these principles and feel a readiness to pursue and practice them.

(It should be noted that there are also lady freemasons in England who operate under an allied thought separate constitution and organisation).


Why join?

Freemasonry is about sharing a common desire to make a difference to one’s immediate and wider community including charitable support whilst following a moral code, focused on following core masonic principles and in the process positively improving oneself and others. One of our greatest strengths is that if freemasonry is a society open to all men of any race, religion, political belief and status.


How to join?

New candidates for London freemasonry are either recommended by Maida Vale as lodge sponsored candidates by two existing members who will be your Proposer and Seconder, or with the recommendation of the Recruitment Team at Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London as an unsponsored candidate.

It is a common misconception that you have to be invited to become a freemason.  This is simply not true and if you are interested in joining all you need to do is let us know by simply contacting Maida Vale.


The joining process

Senior members Maida Vale Lodge would be delighted to initially meet with you.   Thereafter a formal interview will be held with your Proposer and Seconder.  After initiation, all new members of Maida Vale are supported and looked after by our Lodge Mentor in conjunction with their Proposer and Seconder.


Time involved

We meet four times per year at Freemason’s Hall and dine thereafter next door at the Kingsway Hall Hotel.   At least three weeks prior to each meeting we hold a Lodge of Instruction also held at Freemasons Hall between 7pm and 9pm generally on a Wednesday evening to instruct and interact socially with members and officers of Maida Vale. Whilst freemasonry should never impose upon either your family or business life should you wish to progress into an office it is essential to attend each Lodge of Instruction upon becoming a Master Mason.


Cost of membership

The costs of membership vary from Lodge to Lodge, but a general idea of the costs is set out in this section. The full cost of membership of Maida Lodge will be fully explained to you at your interview, to inform your final decision to join.

Annual Membership is £295 which includes dining fees at the Kingsway Hall Hotel after each of our four annual meetings. This membership fee also covers such things as the hiring of the Lodge Room for our various meetings and a subscription to our governing bodies being both the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London and the UGLE.

There is also one off Joining Membership Fee for new members of £100.

A charitable alms collection is taken in secret after each meeting.


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